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Car seat safety for a lifetime of journeys

Find certified experts near you who can help you make sure your car seat is ready for the road using the National Highway Traffic & Safety Administration search engine.

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Simple car seat safety
tips to get you going

More Safety Tips

Inch Test

The Inch Test

A properly installed car seat will not move more than an inch.

Pinch Test

The Pinch Test

The straps need to be tightly hugging the shoulders.

The Puffy Jacket

The Puffy Jacket

Excess clothing will prevent the straps from tightening.

Alana Nichols shares passion for child passenger safety

As an athlete, a mom, and a member of Team Toyota, three-time Paralympic gold medalist Alana Nichols cares deeply about Buckle Up for Life's cause. She got involved after realizing that only one in four car seats is installed correctly.


Find the right type of car seat

As your child grows, their car seat needs changed too. What type of car seat will they need and when? We can help.

Find the Right Car Seat

Summer Travel Car Seat Tips

Learn how to check if your car seat is installed correctly, as well as additional tips that may help with family travel this summer.

Buckle Up for Life has helped us achieve (and exceed) our yearly child passenger safety goals and create helpful partnerships.
- Ana Acosta, University Medical Center of El Paso

Our back window isn't big enough for our stick family

We partner with organizations around the country to help families travel safely every day. Find out more about how we work with our network.

About Our Program


Car seats donated to families in need...and counting.